These are some of the latest Delia photos.
We are a family in transition at the moment- Alan has moved to Geneva, New York for his position at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, and Delia and I will join him in 3 weeks. The separation has been hard on all of us, but Delia seems to weathering it with only minimal trauma. She gets to spend a day a week with her grandparents (which everyone loves) and is happier at day care when she's not there full time.
Delia's verbal skills have improved exponentially over the past few months. She likes to "hang out on the couch" and to "go upstairs and check out what's going on." She's working on using "probably" correctly and I don't have the heart to correct her pronunciation (plobaby).
Alan likes his new job so far, but he's adjusting to teaching men. His classes have been small and the faculty very supportive which has allowed for a easy transition...and enough time to get the new house in order. Our new place looks like Elliot's house at the end of E.T (does that date me?)- covered in plastic and machinery. By the time we move in, we hope to have all the wood floors refinished and all the rooms painted. I can't even picture it without the shag carpeting and plaid wallpaper,
I am overwhelmed with the minutiae of moving, which doesn't allow me the time to reflect on what we're leaving behind. I am moving without a job and I am a bit unclear of what my options will be. It will be a big change to go from overdrive to second.