This was a big week in the van Eaglegiessen household. Delia used her potty for the first time, which was a surprise even to her. She was a little traumatized by the whole experience, but climbed back into the saddle (so to speak) the next day. This week was also the last time Delia nursed. That news will probably shock many of you that we nursed this long and shock others that we are quitting so early. It seemed like the right time for both of us and given the ease of transition, I know that it was.
Delia is now making 2-3 word sentences, wielding a fork with finesse and riding Stuart whenever possible. She is very excited to have 2 new cousins this summer.
Happy weaning! Sounds like it was the right time for both of you.
Much as enjoy being able to nurse, I also look forward to the day when I can stop worrying that I may be walking around with my nursing bra unclasped... Congratualtions on the week's very important milestones!
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